Weekly Channel – Aug 30 – Sep 5, 2015
Why are there individuals? Why are consciousnesses independent? Why is there the apparent compartmentalization of souls? Why are there different souls? I am afraid of the souls in human bodies, who are acting independently, and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t understand the need for the idea of deception, and the usefulness of allowing independent bodies execute destructive forces upon each other.
Ponder this as you sleep, with these thoughts, and we can discuss further. Each consciousness is playing the expression of the infinite, yet from a different angle from all the others. This, in summation, brings the infinite into a finite dimensional space. The different souls exist to house the individual consciousness angles. In infinite space, the individual soul consciousnesses unify and become one. Through each individual consciousness is visible the infinite light. If the conscious attunement is refined to radiate this light inward, the appearance of deception and destruction dissipates and becomes neutralized. Your fear of the individual human consciousnesses is alleviated through these means. Take this into sleep with you and allow your fears to vaporize.
You cumulatively see all beings as light source. Each being is an individual channel of light into yourself. Seeing other individual souls as a source of light is amplified by infusing this light into yourself. This is where the unification of all souls becomes apparent. You should integrate this into your consciousness, and you need not encounter specific souls on the physical plane in order to receive this light. Your mental connection will relate you to ostensibly separate beings, and by bringing their source of light into your being, the infinite connection is made. Seeing others as beings of light, yet remaining separate, keeps the perception of separateness in place. See all beings as light sources feeding your source of light, just as your source of light is feeding theirs. See if this doesn’t relieve your fears of individual wills causing you harm.
So, make this an ongoing image, beings of light, beaming light into you. During individual encounters, particularly with harsh beings, this light beaming may not be so easy to picture, but you can connect with multitudes of light beings, and beam light into yourself, and meditate with this image frequently, and your individual relationships will change, even with the beings who appear harsh and disruptive to you.
How important is the clarity and vividness of the image of multitudes beaming light into myself? I tend to get caught up in side issues like the image being vague, or the multitudes not being obvious, and getting just one or two beings.
You must realize that the connection on the mental plane is driven by your mental energy, rather than the vision you perceive. This getting hung up on the vision part is another form of a bubble of tension that is third dimension created. Step past that, and pull the clarity of your intention into the mental plane, rather than expecting to proceed toward clarity that is conditional on the vision being supportive of your intended response.
Let us move onward!