Weekly Channel – Aug 23 – Aug 29, 2015
Is there an inner fire, through which we can summon force to propel us forward, and to pull manifestation into experience?
The fire inside is the merging of vibration that reaches into the density, and light. This is how the numinous light of the infinite meets the dense physical world. You can master the illusion of the created reality by mastering the inner fire. Your clarity of focus in intention mirrors your mastery of the inner fire, and this is why it is common for the concept to be relayed in cognizance, but seldom experienced in mastery.
How can someone work toward this mastery?
Just as we have described the inner fire as the merging of the light of numinous with vibration of dense, you practice bringing your focus to each of the numinous light and the dense vibration, and bring them into focus together. Your inner fire is birthed from this merging, and your direction to travel along this path is directed from within at that point.
Can this inner fire be a means for evolving human emotions?
Your emotions are a different component, and the clarity of focus we talk about does not mitigate the emotional states. The clarity of the inner fire is devoid of the clutter and cloudiness of the human emotional interactions. The emotional states are the merging of the vibration of the dense with your mental declarations. You must work with your emotions directly at the mental level, and gain clarity to bring forth the fire from within. In the same way the fire emerges from the joining of the numinous light with the vibration of the dense, the emotional states emerge from the merging of the mental states with the vibration of the dense. To bring these together, your mental states must progress toward the numinous light. This clears the emotions that are based on reaction to the manifested three dimension effects. Your thoughts directed to the numinous light bring clarity to your emotional states, and you can and will continue to transcend the necessity to use your emotional states to navigate you along the surface of the third dimension interface with the infinite.
It seems as though the states we talk about which elevate to a frequency that connects with the multidimensions are not emotions at all. We have emotions like fear, grief, happiness, sadness, and such. But states such as bliss and rapture seem to be of a different characterization. How shall we refer to these?
These are high elevation mind states rather than emotions. Emotions are confined to the finite dimensional bodies, and are limited by the interfaces within which the limited dimension bodies function. These high frequency mind states reach your consciousness into the infinite dimensions. As we are discussing in this conversation, you make the distinction through drawing the numinous light through the mental plane. Merging the consciousness result with the vibration in your finite dimension plane of experience connects the high frequency mind states to your awareness within the finite world. This is what happens when beings of organic nature in finite dimension spaces experience states such as bliss and rapture.
How can we be able to connect with the numinous light on the mental plane? I mean, I can think about it, but it most often seems to feel like I am thinking about it distantly, and not coming close to connecting experientially.
If you can find the seed of stillness within your own mind, you will pinpoint your focus there, and allow the realm of stillness to expand, from within this realm, you allow the light to enter, to seep into the area of stillness. The seed of stillness within is not related to anything that would be perceived as active or still in the third dimension world. It is always there and can be perceived at any time, no matter the precipitative events of the physical domain.
It seems as though the mental plane is the essence of it all. The vastness of it is overwhelmingly greater than anything of the physical or emotional dimensions. The result of this seems to be that there is a dual existence, with the mental confined to what is perceived as thought, and the physical and all emotional and sensory existence that goes along with it is seen as the main reality. When the mental is successfully integrated, the connection with the infinite becomes possible. I keep looking for a simple answer to being able to just do this on a regular basis, and dispense with all of what feels difficult about being in the physical/emotional states of the third dimension. I would now ask for some guidance along these lines.
This dual existence is by design. This is intentional as part of the creation process for the physical dimension. When you are immersed in the physical and emotional dimension, the mental plane, which intersects the infinite dimensions, appears distant. Your first impulse is to do something physical to try to grasp onto it. This is like trying to grab with your hand something that is vaporous yet appears in some sort of form. The mental aspects enter through a seeping method, and are not accessible through a grasping method. Your instructions earlier in this message for engaging a connection with the numinous light are along the lines of how you can train yourself to absorb the mental dimensions whilst engaging the physical and emotional. This is really what the journey in the physical plane is all about – learning to engage the infinite dimensions whilst dwelling within the physical. It is done gradually by directing your mind. What you can do, is notice when your emotional states tug at you. This is to wake you. You can remember to enter the mental dimension and allow the ‘seeping’ process to continue into your consciousness. As you do this more, your integration of these seemingly opposite states will develop, and your perception will change.
Our tendency toward manifesting is to seek relief from emotional and physical conditions, and desire to manifest what appears in the moment to be a solution to those conditions. However, it would appear that this approach is limiting, because the motivation for manifesting itself puts us in the ‘grasping’ state, and the manifesting process would require an allowing state. How can we work to unify our intentions with manifestations that please us?
This is in the same way you integrate with the numinous light. You know when you become motivated for something to happen or change by the physical or emotional effects that strike you for a need to change. Allow that to be the extent of your employment of the physical and emotional effects. This becomes your entry point. Once you reach that point, shift your attention to the mental interface with the infinite, and allow everything that has taken you up to that point to vaporize and merge with the mental interface, and do as we have already described – allow the mental, the numinous light, to infiltrate your conscious being, and proceed from there. You may have to do this numerous times each day, but you will become more adept at entering each moment of your life in this way. When you have relatively less action going on in the physical/emotional dwelling, make your practice to enter into the mental realm and allow the merging with the numinous light. This takes you to experience beyond that to be described in words. This will lead to further communications that will become creative ways to describe new concepts in words.
I can see that mind states, such as blissful ones, expanding to the realm in which the physical plane emotional states are at most miniscule, if realizable at all, are easily accessible from the organic vantage point. Yet, it appears that to do so directly would be some kind of distraction from the intention of entering the organic state, so we don’t just do it, even though we could. It seems that we could simply render the entire organic experience as meaningless by doing so. I am gathering that this would be some kind of short circuit which would just bypass the intention of the organic experience. This being the case I am gathering that the intention is to approach this realization of such consciousness gradually and while maintaining the awareness of the organic physical dimension. In thinking about this, I am getting the feeling that in progressing to the higher mind states in parallel with traversing the organic being experience, the effect we are generating is, on a multidimensional plane, creating a light source, an energy source, somewhat loosely like how a generator produces electricity. Going straight to the source is of course like going straight to feeling the effects of the energy. What is not clear to me is what this is accomplishing, however the word ‘accomplishing’ maps into something of relevance in the multidimensional world.
Querying from the third dimension perspective will yield limited results when pondering these concepts. Your understanding will expand as your consciousness merges with the multidimensional plane, as we are describing in this message. To address any concept of accomplishment in the third dimension, we could use analogies, such as it is like getting the clots in a fluid to dissolve and unify the fluidity, but these are cognitive concepts that can help to orient your intention, and you are beyond the need for that. Expand into the numinous, as we are guiding here, and your understanding will deepen, as will your clarity on what to ask and how to speak of your experiences from a physical perspective.
Our tendency is to think of the mind as associated with the head, spatially. Is there a better way to approach the engagement with the interface of our mental states with the infinite, rather than using a spatial representation, or if using such, is there a better approach than confining it to the head of the body?
The mental states encompass the entire being. The head is the first point of focus from the third dimension approach, because the head contains the brain and the brain is the central processing poing for focused direction of thought in the third dimension. We are directing you to expand on the mental plane into the infinite dimensions, and the mind of your expanded mental plane is infinite and not confined to the body. It would serve you better to release your tendency to confine your directed will to the human head, and to engage your entire conscious being with the numinous light.
Let us move onward!