Weekly Channel – Aug 9 – Aug 15, 2015
It seems that in the physical realm, the concept of comfort vs discomfort is prominent. We get motivated to meet our survival needs in a lot of cases because we are seeking to alleviate discomfort. To some extent it is evident how that sort of interplay is effective. How about other forms of discomfort, such as emotional, or just generally being uncomfortable in the physical plane around the ostensibly separate beings? Is there a deeper purpose to this? Our inclination is to strive for a place of comfort, but sometimes it feels like a roadblock to be able to get there.
The situation arises because your physical plane existence is limited to a linearity causing conditions which are simultaneous in the multidimensional planes to be experienced sequentially. This creates the illusion that you perceive as time. In the multidimensional realm, there are no transitory effects and hence no concept of survival. There is no need for the contrast between comfort and discomfort because there is no filtered reality that has dependencies on relative effects. In the three dimensional plane, you are propagating yourself along the intersection of the greater reality with a finite dimension space, and the means of propagation for you is motivated through what you describe as comfort and discomfort. A state of discomfort motivates you to seek comfort, and this propels you along the surface of this intersection. As you mention, the survival of the organic being has some very evident correlations with this interaction, yet some of the others are not so obvious, as to why discomfort would be necessary, and how to streamline the process of moving toward comfort from a place of discomfort. So, the first thing that could help you to raise your level of experience in all of this is to know and keep remembering that any sort of discomfort is a means for travel along the surface of your three dimensional intersection with infinite space. If you can let yourself release the attachment to the surface criteria and allow the travel to occur, then it will change everything about your experience, and the traversing toward a comfort state will be expedited.
How then, to take action in the physical world? If one is moving along and releasing the attachment to the surface, intersection, with the third dimension projection, why ever take action on anything? Doing things is part of living in the physical world. How does one decide what to do, while at the same time releasing attachment to the surface and allowing the travel to occur?
We realize that with all of the stimulus that appears when the viewpoint is restricted to the physical plane, it appears that action is a conscious decision and a responsibility, but it is not so. Action is a consequence, and if you realize this while allowing yourself to traverse the surface of the projected manifestation, then action becomes natural as a flow out of your creative energy. Keep your focus consciously inward, and use your prompts of discomfort to propel you along the surface, ever-seeking the direction of comfort, and the action part will happen on its own. It is like the leaves on the trees blowing in the wind. They do not decide to blow in the wind and move a specific direction. There is wind, and as a consequence the leaves blow. One follows from the other. There is inward conscious focus on your part, and there is movement from a place of sensory configuration to another, and along the way there is action that flows from the movement. Your shift toward less commitment to the outcome directs you to a depth of understanding and consequent re-engagement in how you participate in your own reality. It is all about conscious engagement.
Let us move onward!