Weekly Channel – July 26 – Aug 1, 2015
How can I enter the sleep state and assure that I will wash my mental and emotional states clean and sleep purely and come to a point of complete refreshment?
The shell of the third dimension form is like an egg, a cocoon, that you can crack open and shed behind while you enter the sleep state. The cleansing needed is gathered from existence on the third dimensional plane, and it precipitates into an eggshell form that you can use your mind to dissolve while you get ready to go to sleep. You awake periodically during the night and if you feel the remnants of the pre-sleep emotional and mental states, then you can allow the eggshell to become thinner and thinner and more feint, while you allow yourself to drift back to sleep. Try this.
What if we want to find solutions or initiate manifestations, or get answers while we sleep? How is there a way we can assure this while we get to sleep?
Get clear, with the method we told you or just get clear. See the light throughout your being, with the transparency emerging. Feel what you wish, what you wish to find its way into your being, while you sleep, and hold this as long as it feels right, and just proceed into sleep. Allow everything to take its course, and this will integrate with you.
Let us move onward!