Weekly Channel – May 11 – May 17, 2014
The emotional is the dimension through which the thread connects between the physical experience understood during organic life and the infinite. The dimensional reality is infinite, and this is one linear thread, with connections, like a spidery, weblike fibrous spread into the dimensions of the infinite. So, although the perception in the physical realm is one dimensional, there is really a portal into the infinite. The emotional states can be thought of as a interface to the infinite. This is like the sense of touch within the constraint of the filtered physical existence. The interface between the human body and the other physical objects of the dimension is the sense of touch. You touch something and it feels a certain way and the human brain processes it and feeds the information, including the stored memory information, into the mechanism that drives the will into the decision process of determining how to proceed. If something is too hot, the sense tells you! And you can then decide whether or not prudence would dictate further interaction with the object. Something feels good to the touch, there is more interest in continued interaction. So the emotional states interface with the dimensions beyond the three that are prevalent in the physical realm. If all of the coordinates of experience, in all dimensions, conspire to good feeling emotional states, then the human experience is deemed on the right track. If otherwise, then new direction is sought.
When something doesn’t feel right to the sense of touch, you can take multiple approaches. You can let it be and shift into a different direction and seek other touches. You can seek to change the object into a coordinate configuration in which the touch feels right to you. So, you can steer clear of something that is too hot, or you can cool it down. So it is with the emotional, as humans tend to proceed. A coordinate configuration does not feel good, you can seek something else that does, or you can try to alter the configuration so that it feels better to you. Where humans commonly go awry is in trying to take this latter approach, confining themselves to the configuration of the three dimensional physical plane only. So it is common to find people getting into difficult mind states in common with the perception of other peoples’ behavior, and to seek to improve their mind states by altering other peoples’ behavior. With understanding of the infinite dimensional realm, this is going about things the hard way. It would be something akin to being in Charleston and seeking to be in Casper, and attemting to carry out that goal by moving Casper to where Charleston is!
What do you do when you find yourself in a difficult feeling place? It’s easy, really. Get more infinite. The infinite does not discern feelings into bad feelings. This comes about only because of the filtering effect, and the means of contrast needed in the mind states in order to function in the physical realm. If you are good with all survival needs in a situation and not feeling good emotionally, just open the doors and allow the energy in. The mind states cannot stay feeling bad in that case. The label of ‘bad feeling’ is a product of the physical, so you can expand your realm of perception to the infinite in which the bad does not exist in a separate way. This is so simple, why don’t people do it? Because it is subtle. In the midst of the physical, to perceive the infinite, the perception feels imaginary in comparison to the denseness of the physical. So, for the unattuned to this kind of approach, it appears to be hocus pocus. The other thing is that the emotional states shift gradually in the world of what is perceived as time, so the nominal human thinking would make this approach appear to be engaging in something intangible (hocus pocus) and would see no immediate results, and thus would have no reason to give credence to this approach. The other thing is that when the results do take effect, and the emotional states improve, there is not an obvious tie-in to the improvement in the emotional state being a result of the shift in focus from the filtered three dimensional events to the broader perception of the multitude of dimensions concommitant with the physical reality. Bottom line is that the typical human would not conclude that this would work, just from engaging in the nominal human way.
Vibrations take on a range of frequencies that is infinite. There is a subset of that range that the human ear can perceive. The human notices the most prominent frequencies within the range of the human ear’s perception. Furthermore, the human tends to notice the loudest of these, and tend to those. The other frequencies continue to vibrate, yet the nominal human is focused elsewhere. This is a microcosm of what is happening in the entire human experience. The matters of the dense world, the most prominent, the ones that stand out the most within the human’s filtered three dimensional perspective, are the ones that the human notices. The events that tend to stand out the most are the ones that cause difficult mind states. The threats to survival, the injustices, the lack of needs being met, all of these are common topics of human focus. This is because they are the ‘loudest’. Giving attention to these serves to make these the prominent aspects of the experience. This need not be the case. Just as the emotional states can be shifted by giving attention to the multitude of dimensions concommitant with the physical, the human experience can be shifted by giving attention to the events that are not so ‘loud’, but are more associated with the experience that is sought. In the unfolding of the human experience, the perception of threat, injustice, lack serves to breed more threat, injustice and lack. There is a reason humans do this. All beings know at their deeper levels that they are a manifestation within the infinite. So, there is nothing to lose. The ‘drama’ items are the ones that tend to be more ‘interesting’, and so that is how the beings spend their focus. Yet, most are not acutely aware that all of this is happening in this way, and are perplexed at their uncomfortable emotional and physical states. So in the world of human beings going about in a three dimensional world that is a projection of the infinite dimensions, for many, it is just too boring to seek the higher mind states, and attuning to the subtle is not the ‘interesting’ thing to do. It tends to be the ones who have become just weary of the difficult and the lower mind states, who strive to attune to the subtle and to do things like meditation to perceive the infinite.
But, do strive to perceive the infinite, because you can do both. You can still enjoy the drama of the human experience. You are expanding to multiple dimensions beyond the three, and the three are still there. You can focus on the three while simultaneously being aware of the infinite. In this way the emotional states are still going on, yet your perception that those are all of your existence is no longer a limiting factor. You can enjoy the whole experience like a ride at an amusement park.
Let’s move onward!
Why wrap energy of creation in packages of human organism, with ostensibly indivuated consciousnesses?
It is like the same reason you plant seeds in order to see plants grow and then bloom into flowers. From your perspective, the flowers, in their progression from seeds to the blooms, are beautiful, and the entire procedure of growth is enjoyable and interesting. In the Infinite, your progression from organism with consciousness of the physical dimension, into awareness of the expansion of creative energy, is a flowering expression, in a multitude of dimensions. Your awareness is capable of understanding and perceiving this, and your understanding and perceiving, in its expression of your expanding awareness, is indeed a facet of the flowering, the Infinite Flowering. Your organisms are born, grow and die, just as flowers are planted, watered, grow, flower and then ‘go to seed’, so that more flowers can grow and bloom. It is ongoing and infinite, and ever changing. New flowers bloom with new colors and shapes, and the creation continues to evolve. If you were born into the human experience with infinite awareness, it would be the equivalent of a seed already being the flower. Your ‘seed state’ is sometimes perceived from your perspective as forgetfulness, and your progression to flowering is seen as a remembering, or an increase in awareness. In reality, there is no loss of awareness, there is only the human organizm experience. This viewed from one particular angle, filtered through the physical dimension only appears that way. Sensations, emotional states, physical parameters of humanness, only exist in the realm of dimension known as the physical. Awareness of the multitudes of dimensions renders these as elements of the whole, and really not significant in their own right. So in this way, within the physical realm, experiences to the human seem ‘real’, yet from the perspective of the infinite awareness, the parameters that define pain and pleasure for the human are woven into a magnificantly intricate fabric such that they do not stand out in a separate way.
Let’s move onward!