Centrace Writings
Writings of a number of topics are available through the links on this page. The links indicate the general categories.
Select the buttons or image links to explore the writings.
Channel writings are essays that bring through information from sources of wisdom that feed knowledge beyond the readily
attainable earth plane availability.
Channel Intro writings discuss the concepts and motivation underlying the channel writings, and also contain some general
topic discussions, focusing on pinpointed areas, often drawing in excerpts from the channelling essays.
Weekly Channel writings are in-depth essays, many of which invoke a question/answer type of format. The topics are vastly
varying, being driven by the needs of the author to seek guidance and knowledge. These essays were written between April
2014 and June 2016, and are presented in the order they were written
Interdimensional writings are the evolution of what was begun in the Weekly Channel essays, and are continuing to be
written to this day. These were begun in June 2016, and are presented in reverse chronological order, thus giving the
latest first accessibility.
Meditations essays discuss specific methods which are presented within the channel writings, which are intended to guide
one into integration of the understanding presented in the channel essays.
Life essays are discussions of varieties of topics that concern everyday life, in the physical third dimension world.
Applicability of teachings from the channel writings often comes into play in these discussions.